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Design For The Good

In my second year at Norwich University of the Arts, we were set a brief to design a mobile application in order to solve a chosen sustainable issue. Poverty was a very passionate topic i wanted to solve and in it i focused on the cost of living side. I created an application which solved the issue that people are unable to enjoy themselves and have a cheap night out due to the cost of living crisis and lack of knowledge of cheaper solutions near them.

User Interviews

The interview questions i created were based off of personal experiences as well as knowledge I needed to learn like "What difficulties do you face whilst budgeting?". Arranging all of the information gathered from my interviews to see the common answers and patterns between users allowed me to clearly highlight exactly what key points and answers can be used in order to benefit others. One was the idea that nobody knew where any of the deals were therefore the solution I would create was to show where the deals were.

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Competitor Review

Creating the competitor review allowed me to understand how competitive the market was as well as seeing how they approached this problem with the features they used and the way they laid out their pages. Analysing all of the competitors and putting all the information in a table made it easy to compare each site and see the similarities, weaknesses and how I could stand out and differ. I can stand out by including a much more interactive navigational map which users are able to see where the cheapest solutions are near them.

Value Proposition Canvas

Creating the value proposition canvas allowed a conclusion for the idea and solution to the problem of budgeting for nights out was a clear path and a correct solution to the problem. With this Canvas I was able to put all the information into a big summary. Knowing how my product will help a user by showing them the cheaper solutions makes me confident knowing the benefit it will bring to the users.

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User Flows

Creating the user flows allowed me to understand what was the simplest and effective layout for my application. With them they allowed me to draw out the pages needed for the application and not design any useless pages. 

Visual Design Research

Looking at Montserrat as a main font simply because it suited the night life theme very well with its modern and straight yet curved look. The colours used not only represented the nightlife but it also stood out in comparison to the competitors with its bright vibrant yellow which would easily catch users eyes.

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App Store Images

Final Outcome

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