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Design For The Web

In my Second year at Norwich University of the arts, we were set a brief to design a website for a food/drink service on a desktop and mobile website. We were given the option to either redesign an existing website or create a new website from scratch. Through my research and development of ideas I discovered a poorly designed website called “The Shake Pit” which I believed had a lot of potential due to its lack of design and features which I believed would stand out in comparison to all of the milkshake service websites.

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The Shake Pit Analysis

At the start of the project I analysed the website so that I could understand exactly what i should include and where I could improve the website. One crucial part I found when analysing this site was that it lacked personality in not only its basic and boring design but also its features. All the website had was two pages, Home and Menu. Therefore there was not an appeal to users or variety of options which they could browse. Overall there was a lot of improvements to make for this website in visual design and content.

Visual Design Research

The Visual Design I used was heavily inspired by milkshakes themselves. The goal for the website was to make users want to buy a milkshake and the way I believed I could achieve this was by visually designing my website to look like a milkshake through the use of bright colours, shapes and fonts. I used a bright blue and pink with white as from my research I found that these colours were sterotypical for milkshakes. I used the font “Sign painter” as this was the font which sumbolised milkshakes due to its curvy bold design. Because milkshakes are bold and curvy I believed designing my website this way with almost no sharp corners was perfect for attracting a user to want to purchase a milkshake.

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Final Outcomes

Final Outcomes: Mobile

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